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Aging Mindfully

October 18, 2022 Two weeks ago, my son, 12, challenged me to try and pass the Navy SEALs physical fitness test. Minimum requirements: a...

Nocioception | Pain

Nociception: Physiological pain component, which consists of the processes of transduction, transmission, and modulation of neural...


Mindfulness is a kind of non-judgmental awareness we bring into every moment. We can pin our attention on just about anything. I enjoy...

Less Stupid

Last night, my son snuck into my room, grabbed my laptop from the desk by the door and slipped out. I checked my watch. It was 2:47 a.m....

On Guns

I was raised in the ghetto. Today we call it the “inner-city,” “the urban core,” “neighborhoods of concentrated disadvantage,” “post...

On Love & Sex

I evolved from a passionate young man into a renunciate. I grew into celibacy. Many who walk the contemplative path arrive at this...

What's in Your Cart?

Each month, I fast for three or more days. Fasting triggers ketosis. When this happens, the body converts fats in the liver into ketones...

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