Spring has arrived. The cherry trees bloom. Song birds greet the sun. The world of men is out of harmony, but the rhythms of Nature remain constant and true.
The seeds I planted in April have begun to sprout. Each seed began in darkness, in isolation. The light seed within you is like this.
The husbandman thought it good to take you and plant you in this soil. He hedged you about and scattered dung around you. Ah, the indignity! You must endure the darkness for some time. You must be willing to break open, to be transformed. You will respond to the light when you are ready.
Observe the laws of nature within and without. In meditation, we cultivate seeds of compassion, love, forgiveness, discipline, patience, acceptance, courage, curiosity, openness, equanimity, and faith. If we must suffer in darkness for a time, it is for the good.
Work the plot you've been given. Be careful what you think. Thoughts are seeds. Light seeds grow exponentially, so do the thistles.